SMALL GRASS YELLOW ( Eurema smilax) Picture taken YARRIGAN NP Saw one flying this week. Have yet to verify the Larval Host Plant in this area Two SILVER CASSIAS ( Senna artemisioides) are thriving on the COONABARABRAN BUTTERFLY WALK They grow in the WEST PILLIGA, also near BARADINE I am hoping they will breed on it.
WHITE MIGRANT flying today@ YARRIGAN NP NSW Photo from file Ann Peach Growing nearby is the Larval Host Plant Senna barclayana YARRIGAN NATIONAL PARK Fire Tower picnic area good butterfly spot.
Some butterfly host plants etc. in flower today: SWAN PLANT Gomphocarpus fruticosus Larval host plant for WANDERER AND LESSER WANDERER BUTTERFLIES WANDERER or MONARCH Pupa Adult MALE LARVA LESSER WANDERER Danaus chryssipus above and below Aphids placed on the stem by ANTS - natural biological control - LADYBIRDS feed on them. This pupa was placed on the tree. Larvae were rescued from a garden where they are often not welcomed on LEMON TREES so they are then raised on potted seedling CITRUS spp. I place a small stick in the pot when they are mature enough to pupate; the stick can then be fastened to a shrub in the Butterfly Patch.
An urban habitat corridor started after the 2013 Warrumbungle Fires in the National Park Four years on Some visitors : Ocybadistes walkeri GREEN GRASS-DART Hostplants -(feeds at night on common grasses) native grasses have been planted on site BLUE BANDED BEE Asleep one morning and didn't want to bee disturbed Vanessa kershawi PAINTED LADY BUTTERFLY Laying (Oviposting ) on Host plant BILLY BUTTONS MEADOW ARGUS LARVA Larval Host Plant for MEADOW ARGUS Scaevola aemula FAN FLOWER Junonia villida -MEADOW ARGUS The first butterfly to breed @ the "Patch"